Short version:
What's the quickest/easiest way to pull an engine:
1)from a junkyard car I don't care about?
2)from my car without removing the transmission?

Long Version:
A thousand pardons if this is here somewhere. I've searched, but can't seem to come up with quite what I'm after.

I've got a bad motor, and need to swap it out. Lots of people have this problem, and I've found tons of good info on it. Since I have a 2001 GT, I know that I can use pretty much any vin K engine without major hassles, or I can get an N/A engine from an 05+ and swap a few parts and be good to go. Thanks to everyone who's already answered these questions!

I've seen this thread: which lays out how to remove an engine+tranny (thanks Bill!) but I can't find anything on removing JUST the engine. The Hayes manual I've got is really vague on it, and makes it sound like a HUGE undertaking. However, people pull engines from junkyard cars all the time - and I'm pretty sure they don't spend two days doing it. :P

Can anyone tell me what to expect here? Or maybe point me at useful threads I've overlooked? If there's not a "for dummies" walkthrough, I figured I'd make one with what I learn here.
