Quote Originally Posted by Scottydoggs View Post
if you got a few good friends who are into keeping their cars looking good, you can all chip in and buy one, you'll never use it on the same day. and the products last a long time really, im on the same jar of compound for the last 2.5 years. and wax for that matter.

do this with really good friends, ( who care) as who wants a dick messing it up, or killing the pads. its one of them tools that will almost last forever being it gets used once or twice a year. unless your my brother, he does his Yukon almost monthly, but hes anal for sure.

or drop lots of hints at x mass or birthday time lol
yeah my friends aint all got as nice of a vechial as me so that would be their excuse. i think from now on ill be watching my car closer and start taking names and kicking @$$ if it happens again...
ill try the hint dropping thing though lol