so whether the guy who wanted to follow me today with his cam corder wants to try and tattle tale to the cops about me speeding, driving "aggressively", or my car being modified: bring it on, **** stick.

1) i was going to work, following a SEMI, and doing 5-9 over. just give me that ticket, it's one i am willing to take. whatever.
2) i tailgated you for a short stint because you were doing 50-55 in a 55mph zone with a clear lane ahead of you and two semis on each side.
3) my tail lights can be seen through, my car isn't too low, no tint on my windows, etc. **** off.
4) you were using a camcorder while driving: inattentive driving.
5) you were impeding traffic in a known high traffic zone and time. we're all going to work, get the **** out of the way.

so seriously, i hope you attempt to expose me to the police or internet. you're a ****ing fag and you need a hobby.