Quote Originally Posted by ricke666 View Post
This is a totally nice setup you have here. I have a question. I cannot do a similar setup on my 98 gtp cause it seems the body have a weird part right in the way, this is a part of the frame, directly... So I would have to put the filter in front of that piece, which brings us just behind and a bit under the left headlights.

I can take pictures to explain what I mean, but to my point of view, that setup would have a huge amount of water on rainy days. I refer to the pictures on the first page, the red filter is where I could put it...

Is there a workaround for this? After checking some ppl FWI pages, the only idea that I have is to put 3/4 of the filter in the engine and the last 1/4 in the fender well. I really can't get more in it because of that weird frame piece...

For now, I have a ram air intake :|

Oh, and by the way, what a weid sound it gives with the supercharge!!! It sounds like a sky rocket. That's funny, but not really a nice sound!

Thanks for any input!
you could cut the fender brace or get another filter like the one i bought in the pics. i dont have problems with water getting in unless you drive through 2 feet of water