Long story short, said '01 GTP with 80K developed a random issue with oil smoke. No rhyme or reason, sometimes cold, others hot, bank drive thrus, cold starts at home, heat soaked in town, no difference. Some times it would huff smoke, others, not. Defies logic and explanation, as most times worn/shrunken valvestem seals cause smoke at initial startup, and a LIM oil leak should in theory cause oil consumption at all times. None of which was the case, on again, off agin, random episodes. I finally got off my ass and did the LIM, S/C to LIM and Valvestem seals- Problem solved. I saw no evidence of a leaking LIM to intake port, so I can only assume the stem seals were leaking past. Sad to report, none of the intellectuals here or on ClubGP had ever heard of such, so I, being the LSx D/A, was forced to fend for myself. Here are my fancy pics- I hope some of you care, because I truly do not.