Last night on the facebook page 'grand prix gtp owners club' one 'Aaron Carey' I believe, posted pictures of his new 'wbodystore headers'.
I thought it was kind of funny at first like ha ha guys my SSAC/SD headers are wbodystore, lolz.

But he was dead serious.

After sufficient debate, I conceded that what he bought were indeed 'wbodystore' headers. However, it raised an even bigger issue.
Below is a quote from the wbodystore page regarding their headers.

A project 6 months in the making! 6 months! That's like half a year soo you know it's good! Our new headers are full T304 stainless steel and include a bolt-in downpipe. They are absolutely the most comprehensive kit at the best price you'll find. In fact, our headers include a higher quality V-band clamp than our competion and come in a full $250 less than their kit price.
Sounds good right? Seems like a big project with tons of R&D to finally come up with the end all of header purchases which justifies the $600 price tag.

What Aaron received were SLIGHTLY modified SSAC/SD headers that originated from a chinese parts supplier.
I emailed this parts supplier regarding a bulk order of said parts (part number SDO-6802) and was quoted $80 USD per unit if purchased in bulk.

These illustrious wbodystore headers that took a half year of R&D to PERFECT are $80 china steel with a slightly modded down pipe and two piece x-over.
1 hour labor and a jig... tops.

Then you pay $600 for them.
The real kicker was that when I brought this fact to light on the facebook page, I was attacked and subsequently removed from the page... just for trying to warn people what they obviously were not aware of.
Ya'll know how much I like being removed from pages

So what I'm looking to do here is spread the word. Buyer beware... the big money headers from wbodystore are nothing more than slightly modded china crap.
