Quote Originally Posted by hollilynn View Post
LOLZ. That's great. The best I got is the idiot who parked next to the cart return in his truck in one of the compact car spaces. Passenger side of truck was like an inch from the cart deposit and the drivers side was well over the line in the open spot. I just slid my car in there. My passenger door was about five inches off his driver door. He couldn't even get between the vehicles to attempt to get in his truck. I wish I knew how long he was waiting while I did my grocery shopping. He was pissed when I came out, but didn't say a word.
When I had my first car, and didn't really care how much worse a door ding would make it look, I used to LOVE to park really close to the drivers door of cars that parked like morons. I once came out of a store in time to watch the douchebag climbing in through his passenger door. I smiled and waved as I opened my car door...he was less than diplomatic about the situation.