As the subject clearly states. I know most everyone here has seen this combination before. More times than we care to admit, but it happens so much!!!

First off I will apologize to any women who drive MiniVans CORRECTLY and use their cellphones CORRECTLY when driving a Minivan.....

I degress......

Today driving to work on 270 here in St. Louis traffic is increasing due to the fact they have literally closed Hwy40/I64 through the City of St. Louis out to 270 and 40/64 into St. Louis County. Of course you are going to expect the extra load on the other highways around I64/40, but jesus the amount of new A%%hole mothers with minivans and cellphones has exploded this past week since the beginning of the closing.

There are mostly 4 lanes on 270 and upto 5 at certain stretches of it. But why on God's green earth do these idiots think that just cause they have a MiniVan they can just run you over and then have the nerve to look at you like you're the problem!?!?!?!?!??!?!!

I was in the next to fastest speed lane heading towards to 270/I44 interchange and onramp from I44 to 270. This woman, of course cellphone glued to hand and then glued to ear, arm propped up on the window sill, just plows right into my lane ALMOST taking off my front bumper. NO signal or anything. She just whips right over.

Of course being the nice guy I am I jam the SC and hit the speed lane to her left, I politely give her a thumbs up and a nice F*&& You smirk. She had the balls to flick me off!!!!!!! I was like ! You were the one who almost hit me!!!!!

I will admit I use my cellphone when I drive my car, and I smoke when I drive, but I have a headset for my cellphone so I can keep my hands on the wheel and stay alert to traffic and not all relaxed behind the wheel thinking I am on the couch. I mean what the heck!!!!

I wish there was ONE WHOLE DAY where ALL cellphones were shut off!! I want to see everyone go into a coma cause they cant text or talk while driving. The world be a quieter place for sure on that day!

Just my rant!

/rant off