Thread: Lil' Story bout running...

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  1. #1 Lil' Story bout running... 
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    I was about to hop off when I remembered a crazy story that happened when I was in NC. Well, to start off, a lil' back-story. I am 23, and had a stroke. Wasn't even stressed. Didn't have any major issues... just happened. Well, it messed my nerves up a bunch, and the morphine was making me paranoid for some reason...

    So I was on my way home, midnight, on the back roads in the country. You should know that I made this trip almost everyday and would not see ONE car on my 30mi. trip home. I was doing about 80, normal for me on a good night (those deer whistle things work wonders). Well suddenly some headlights show up behind me... and start gaining. Hyped on morphine substitute and already paranoid I punch it! Take some hard 90deg. turns doing 75~ and bobbin' n weaving around corners... and I lose'em before getting into town. Slow down entering the lil' town (I NEVER speed in city limits... except Jax. Safety!!!) and all is good. I get on the main street and suddenly the headlights show up again. And then red n' blues. I pull over, doing every stress relieving mantra I know to keep from having a panic attack and get my window rolled down... to a gun in my face.

    I'll cut the nasty bits out. I had a panic attack in handcuffs, then out of handcuffs. The cops (3 more modded chargers showed up... at midnight!) apologized, then asked to search my car, etc... Didn't have nothing, had to write out that I had a stroke and was on meds since I couldn't speak. Almost had to call an ambulance. They got brownie points for sitting with me for an hour til I calmed down though.

    1. Cop didn't turn on his lights at all during that. I was watching. 2. With my supercharger unbelted, I lost a brand new charger on straights and corners. 3. Of course I got 2 tickets! He was only able to clock me at 88, while I know for a fact my highest speed on a straight was 134. In a mad dash to keep up with me, the officers radio and laptop was broken from the force of taking the corners! He also said I almost killed him... hopefully that was just hysteria and not actually true. 4. Of course I got them bumped down to equipment malfunctions! I got enough 'accidental' speeding tickets on my record. Cost me 700$ though...

    Lesson? Don't run from speeding lights behind you, just keep your head low 'til the first shot rings out then punch it... Because it might be some cop who forgot to turn on his lights. And if you wanna make running from cops a hobby (it is one HELL of an adrenaline rush... that I can't handle. Bad nerves) Get a flip license plate... and some oil slick. Or just check how fast cops are allowed to go in your state.

    To add to this story I wanted to make mention of my cross-state trips.

    About 5 years back I was making my first journey with my car from FL to NC. I got in the fast lane on i95 and got in a line of 11 cars doing 90MPH, being led by a 80'~90' something sexy Trans-Am. We cruise halfway through GA (Surprising, yes?) before, in my rear view, a state trooper jumps 5ft into the air front the median landing in our lane. ALL CARS EXCEPT THE TRANS-AM turn on our right turn signals at the same time, and like some synchronized swimmers merged to the center lane as the trooper flew by and pulled the TA over. Once we passed him? All synched right back over into the fast lane and kept going.


    Other story is after this (for the return trip and subsequent trips after that)... EVERY TIME I get bugged by some punks in accords, civics, a jag, nsx, 3000GT, a vette, and some other idiots. AND THEY FOLLOW ME! THE WHOLE TRIP! Listen, the guy doing 120 down the interstate is cruisin' (like a boss) and doesn't wanna play with you. Leave that dudes a$$ alone. But yeah, every time I make a trip up or down, some people follow me, pull over when I do... ugh. I don't mind as much when they just follow, but when the vette cut me off at 120 like he was trying to tell me to 'slow my roll' isn't good for his bumper, or windshield (cause from now on I'm carrying a bat. I stay in my lane and cruise when there is no traffic; I don't need someone from the slow lane cutting all the way over nearly causing an accident).

    Which that vette just reminded me... About 2006 I got to cruise in my mom's vette once (yeah, yeah, leave me alone) and I got some groceries. I stopped to let someone cross by me, and they did... THEN PUNCHED MY WINDOW. I laughed... holding my mom's fully loaded .45 with hollow points and no safety. Some crazy people, I swear...

    Lesson? Don't let people cross by you in the parking lot (unless at the cross lines... or cripples). They might have the sudden urge to pick a fight, despite you being in a 2000+ lb. weapon.

    I got too many of these for being so young. What can I say? I love driving.

    I mentioned accidental tickets. I can say they were cops who were ninjas... and thats the only reason they caught me (Aren't cops supposed to stand out as signs of justice? I'm very biased. Personal stuff. But this'll be only quip unless someone asks.). Anyway, my first day driving this car when I was 16 was also my first ticket. Cop didn't believe me when I said it was my first time driving it, and it was also my first time driving in this town on my own; I didn't know what the speed limits were. And it was 6AM. Cut a few months... I got more daring (getting up to 80, so sad when I look back. I used to do that on my quad) and sped around the country backroads. Cut to after graduation (and hitting a deer) and I was pushing 140 err day. This the first time a sheriff hit the median at speed and swung her around. Scared the piss outta me and before I knew it my foot was to the floor. Lost him on a major road, at night, just me n him. And I got daylight running lights, so I'm not exactly a ninja. This happened 4 more times, and 1 more after the SC was making noise and had to be disconnected. Never knew my car could dip to 11 MPG... lol.

    This is how I learned I liked racing and not to mention, I was a great driver. I wish I could get into racing... I know I'd be good at it. I like knowing I can 'feel' everything going on with my car just by sitting in it. I love every sound she makes and the way she moves... It's hard to describe really.

    Lesson? Police are ninjas. There will always be one you never see coming. If you add info from the other stories... they are the boogieman. Also, always check to see if you got enough gas. In all seriousness, it's not good to run. Hell, I can't imagine I'd be in a good place if I'd gotten caught during any of those. ...But I got bad nerves. And they don't make me feel safe running around at night. They aren't the worlds largest corrupt organization for nothing...
    Last edited by Ainrev; 05-16-2012 at 02:18 PM.
    97 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP
    186k Miles
    8.5mm Spark Plug Wires
    Lot's of issues with it...
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  2. #2 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    GT Level Member NR92's Avatar
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    Holy Sh!t! i wouldn't drive anymore while your on that stuff! good story though!

    lol btw i pissed off a cop a few weeks back telling him my GP was faster then his hemi powered charger... pretty sure i was right in saying it but either way the look on his face was priceless!

    2004 GTP Comp G -- Sold
    2006 GTO Magnuson supercharged
    2007 Ram 2500 QCSB 4x4 5.9 Cummins, Efi live, Exhaust, Intake N'stuff
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  3. #3 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
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    No joke, I WAS pulling away. And he said he was gunning it too! For a tank that shouldn't take corners so well, I left him pre~tty quick. Was about a year ago now. Don't have any more pain meds (Not by choice... I need pain meds that don't make me angry), and I can talk again (thank God). I wanna eventually turn my car into what INTENSE did with their 97. Then just go out and embarrass Ferrari's and such, not even go to a drag strip.
    97 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP
    186k Miles
    8.5mm Spark Plug Wires
    Lot's of issues with it...
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  4. #4 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    you need POT, and lots of it. to bad FL is really hard on all drugs down there.

    and ill take 5 bucks worth of what ever you were taking, sounds like good stuff, in moderation of course.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  5. #5 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    Gun nut and III percenter TexasTanker19kilo20's Avatar
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    Goldie 98 Topaz Gold GTP (retired)/ Shadow 06 GTO 6.0 Phantom Black Metallic- traded in. Now cruising a 2005 GMC Sierra 2500 HD 4x4 with the always fun 6.0L
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  6. #6 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
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    To add to this story I wanted to make mention of my cross-state trips.

    About 5 years back I was making my first journey with my car from FL to NC. I got in the fast lane on i95 and got in a line of 11 cars doing 90MPH, being led by a 80'~90' something sexy Trans-Am. We cruise halfway through GA (Surprising, yes?) before, in my rear view, a state trooper jumps 5ft into the air front the median landing in our lane. ALL CARS EXCEPT THE TRANS-AM turn on our right turn signals at the same time, and like some synchronized swimmers merged to the center lane as the trooper flew by and pulled the TA over. Once we passed him? All synched right back over into the fast lane and kept going.


    Other story is after this (for the return trip and subsequent trips after that)... EVERY TIME I get bugged by some punks in accords, civics, a jag, nsx, 3000GT, a vette, and some other idiots. AND THEY FOLLOW ME! THE WHOLE TRIP! Listen, the guy doing 120 down the interstate is cruisin' (like a boss) and doesn't wanna play with you. Leave that dudes a$$ alone. But yeah, every time I make a trip up or down, some people follow me, pull over when I do... ugh. I don't mind as much when they just follow, but when the vette cut me off at 120 like he was trying to tell me to 'slow my roll' isn't good for his bumper, or windshield (cause from now on I'm carrying a bat. I stay in my lane and cruise when there is no traffic; I don't need someone from the slow lane cutting all the way over nearly causing an accident).

    Which that vette just reminded me... About 2006 I got to cruise in my mom's vette once (yeah, yeah, leave me alone) and I got some groceries. I stopped to let someone cross by me, and they did... THEN PUNCHED MY WINDOW. I laughed... holding my mom's fully loaded .45 with hollow points and no safety. Some crazy people, I swear...

    Lesson? Don't let people cross by you in the parking lot (unless at the cross lines... or cripples). They might have the sudden urge to pick a fight, despite you being in a 2000+ lb. weapon.
    97 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP
    186k Miles
    8.5mm Spark Plug Wires
    Lot's of issues with it...
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  7. #7 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
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    Was taking the maximum dosage of Percocet a normal person can take. Vikadin and a couple other things I got used to too fast. And all of them made me the hulk at the slightest provocation. ...My friend (huge pot head) was telling me that. Someone with my stomach condition has prescription for it in CA and is perfectly normal person... God I'd do anythin' not to be in pain everyday.
    97 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP
    186k Miles
    8.5mm Spark Plug Wires
    Lot's of issues with it...
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  8. #8 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    Gun nut and III percenter TexasTanker19kilo20's Avatar
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    Damn bro I like your kind of crazy, it reminds me lol.
    Goldie 98 Topaz Gold GTP (retired)/ Shadow 06 GTO 6.0 Phantom Black Metallic- traded in. Now cruising a 2005 GMC Sierra 2500 HD 4x4 with the always fun 6.0L
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  9. #9 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    Moderator DanPrixGTP's Avatar
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    running from cops? probably not the best idea ive ever heard but good thing you didnt get caught. i could never do that
    '97 GTP - Stage 2 Heads, 90# Springs, 1.9 Harland Sharp Rockers, Gen V, 3.0, Intake, N* TB, LQ4, FSIC, 10.5mm Wires, Poly Mounts, SLP Headers, Borla Exaust, Built Trans - SOLD*

    '08 G8 GT - 6.7L 408CI Stroker, 239/254 Cam, Fast Intake, 102mm TB, CAI, Full Exhaust.

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  10. #10 Re: Lil' Story bout running... 
    GXP Level Member z3r0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ainrev View Post
    God I'd do anythin' not to be in pain everyday.
    welcome to the party
    i have 3 bulging disks in my neck pressing the **** out of the nerves on my left side
    so from the neck down i can't feel pain, changes in temp ect. so the neck at the disks is non-stop pain

    and you def are having an adverse reaction to the morphine
    i don't have a problem with it

    Quote Originally Posted by TLSheff View Post
    I'm a Sex Offender
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