so i am eligible for my upgrade from verizon and im looking forward to tossing my blackberry storm out the window on the highway. i can get both the iphone4 and the majority of the droid platform phones for pretty much the same price, but i am really unsure as to which i would rather have. do you guys have any solid opinions on why one is better than the other?

i have never been an apple fanboi, so i never really planned on getting an iphone, but from playing with them a couple of times the software seems really solid and i've never really experienced any lag in transitions which is definitely a plus. however, i've never really had my hands on a droid phone to compare.

im kind of looking at a few of the droids (they all seem to be very similar), but im partially swayed by the slider keyboard the droid x2 has. it always seemed like my touch screen seemed to lock up if it got a little damp or anything on my blackberry. any issues like that you have experienced?