Well I got to drive the car back and forth to work today because I wanted to make sure all the electrical stuff worked after all the work I did over the weekend. My heat still isn't very warm at all so I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to change out the heater core.

However, this isn't about all that. As a matter of habit, when I get home I pop the hood and check the oil. I normally leave the hood open in the spring and summer months so that things cool down better, but in the winter that isn't such a big deal. But I get home this afternoon from driving abut 36 miles one way between 75 - 80mph until I get in the city and then it runs about 40 - 45.

Well after I checked the oil, I was just curious and decided to lay my hand on the snout, expecting it would be too hot to hold as it normally is. To my surprise, it was very cool, just slightly warm an no where near being hot. The blower casing itself was hot, I could touch it, but not hold or touch it for very long before it got too hot to the touch.

Now I have grabbed that snout in the past and it has always been a bit too hot to handle.

I had put in some fully synthetic 0W-20 motor oil in the snout a couple weeks ago. I was going to change it out again to try and get any remnant of the old fluid out which I may do this weekend and then I'll run the 0W-20 for a while and send in a sample for analysis and see what the report is.

If its running that cool, I cant see it being anything but good for the bearings and seals. I'll try and keep everyone updated as I go along.