I thought I would make this thread to help out if anyone has questions and-or are directing anything towards me to help answer such as a problem or tech question and may have gone unanswered. As many of you have probably noticed I havent been on the forums much the past few months and this is honestly about the only one I get to anymore. Business has been very good and with that means less time for me to be on here as I simply dont have the time. I feel there has been an aweful lot of great info shared on here since this forum started almost 2 years ago and that was one of my highest priorities to help get things rolling and provide a solid info base to use for future referrencing.

By all means PLEASE use the search feature before starting a new thread if you are having a problem and looking for help!!! There is a lot of the same subjects of threads in the transmission section and I see them pop up quite often and a simple search will likely get you what you are looking for but there are also a lot of odd issues that just dont match, but in the case of the common problems many will go unanswered because there is plenty of info that has been covered in the past on these subjects.

For those of you who have been looking for help and tried the search feature and didnt get anywhere so started a new thread you havent recieved the answers you were looking for and I have overlooked the thread and havent been able to help out you are more than welcome to either send me a Private Message on this forum or Email me at Dave@Tripleedgeperformance.com as this is the best and fastest way to get ahold of me to help out. I have had a lot of fun on this forum helping out and will continue to when I can.

Thanks for those who have read this,
