So i was just cruising around last night and then this 02 Grand Prix pulls up next to me in the left lane while stopped at a light . Him and his girl friend both look over at me and he says something to her and she starts giggling. So he rev's up his engine (i guess thinking that he was tough stuff). But i really didn't want to ruin the surprise so i didn't rev mine up. So i just asked him if he wanted to run them really quick and he said sure. So the light turns green and we go he thoughts that he had me because he got the launch ( since i spun most of first gear) then by second gear i was passing him up and the look on his face was priceless when he heard the loud whine from my car as passing him. He kept on trying thinking at he was going to catch up even tho i was already about 4 cars ahead of him so then after hitting 70 mph i just let off. I guess he was mad for some reason because he just flew right past me like he was still trying to be a harda$$. Nothing special just thought that i would share.