So today I'm driving my totally awesome bauce status GP to church and I catch up to this first gen Focus doing 40 in a 55 probably because of the "bad" roads (the roads didn't even have anything on them). Anyways so I'm behind this guy just chillaxing and next thing I know I have a 18 wheeler Volvo in my rearview. Now I don't mind truckers but when you have one riding your bumper like he's never ridden anything before....well that gets on my nerves. So we are both following this guy in his Focus doing 15 below the limit and there's a trucker riding my rear to boot. At this point I'm kinda getting a bit mad (and I'm not probably going to be late to church) so when I get the chance I cue turn signal and throw 'er over into the left lane to pass this Slowcus.
Long and short I totally blew the Focus out of the water from 40 (like a bauce of course ) but after I passed him I notice the same red Volvo coming up fast in the left lane. At this point I'm doing 60 and I figured, "meh, just let this ricer punk go ahead and pass me."
So anyways, one kill and one that I didn't get involved in.

On a serious note though I wanted to mention that the truck driver was not only speeding (he flew past me when I was doing 60 after passing the car, and he was gone after that) but I could also see him talking on his cell phone. The speeding wouldn't normally bother me a lot but just 2 days ago we had a semi/minivan accident on the same road (less than 2 miles from where my story took place) where a trucker ran a stop sign and then collided with a van that was on a road where cross-traffic (the minivan) doesn't have to stop. The whole thing left 1 dead at the scene and 2 in the ICU at the hospital (still not sure if they will make it or not). Seeing the trucker speeding AND talking on the phone just made me wanna give the guy a what for.