Tonight on my way home I ran into a sixth generation Maxima SE while on the highway. It was pretty crowded as we were in city limits and there were a lot of cars on the three lane road. I stayed around the speed limit to avoid attracting attention to myself as the area we were in but the maxima thought it would be a good idea to tailgate me the entire way. Now, I hate it when people tailgate me, especially when I just bought my car a month ago, so as soon as the opportunity arose I got on it to pull into the next lane and get away from him. After about a minute the lane he was in was vacant and he started to approach me. Instead of just letting him pass me I decide to floor it right as he got to my back door, he made it to my door before I matched his speed and pulled away. Thinking that he wasn't going at it I decided to get up next to him. We both look at each other, nodded, and then I honked three times. We rolled from 60 and I only inched away until around 85 when I started to pull on him until I had a half car length on him and we both hit the brakes. Overall I'd say I'm glad I didn't end up buying the maxima I was looking at