On my way home after picking my friend up from his work i was driving down this long road that leads all the way back to our main street that then leads to home. We were on our marry way just enjoying the night and talking about random stuff, cars, bikes, girls.....lol please......anyhow i peak into my mirror and see a bright red Chevy cruze 1.4L turbo, My buddy who is next to me also owns one and we've played around before and it's clear the cruze has no power....more of a funny car then anything. anyhow, we had about 60 seconds left of road before we both got halted by the red lights. Sometimes my friend and i like to drive around and try and find people who show an interest in their car just for fun...pretty typical thing with car guys. Well it looks like the fun came to us this chevy cruze has two teenagers around our age 17-25 probably. And man did they have high hopes, sitting there reving their cruze acting like it's some sports car, it was apparent that he had some sort of intake because i know the difference between a no intake cruze vs one with one.

Right there he poked the bear, and the bear was angry.... we rolled down our our windows and some child like talk was exchanged, it went something like "Dang that sounds like a sports car!" and "lets take it"
little did these boys know what was under the hood of the 99 GTP > threw it in first and put preformace shift on the blood was pumping and we were ready to show these kids a real car aha! light turned green and we took off, about 2 car lengths ahead and we were dying laughing at this cars pathetic attempt at trying. the look on their faces as the whine of the blower made that so priceless. After we got to the next light they quickly turned off and left with their little condom car. our night was made and we went home with a smile. In no way am i calling my GTP fast, but it is nice to know that it's not just some weak sedan, and that if you mess with it, you'll be getting a fight.

Have any of you ever had something like this happen? share!