DISCLAIMER: Don't try this at home.

I was just doing a routine test drive, I do it every time I work on the car just to make sure I don't get a nasty surprise on my way to work the next morning...

Pulled up next to a police Impala, complete with officer, at a stop light before a nice long straight stretch of road. He rolls down his passenger window right as I look over and says "I bet you $10 I'll hit 55 before you."

Me, being cautious, I hesitate a moment before replying and he revs his engine and grins. So I, throwing caution to the wind, reciprocate.

Light turns green, I hear his tires squeal just a little bit but (somehow) mine catch just right and I hold it. I look down at the speedo and I'm already at 40, I glance over and his bumper is right at my door. I back off right at 55, he catches up immediately and motions for me to pull over, still grinning.

He pulls up behind me, no lights or siren, walks up to my door and asks me to get out. At this point I'm starting to freak out.

Then he reaches out for a handshake and slaps a ten into my hand.

Turns out he used to have a 05 GTP a few years ago and thought that's what I had, just debadged. We talk for a few minutes about GP's, he seemed surprised that mine was just a GT. After that he says he's gonna look for another GP, because he really misses his.

I had to sit on the side of the road for a minute after he left and process what had just happened... lol