ok i was sittin in the md donalds parking lot waiting for a few other Gp memebrs from another forum show up and this late 90's red monte car flyies into the spot next to me with his subs bangin and the cars all dirty like been driving on gravel roads alot lately and he opens thedoor BANG hits my right driver door , so i roll down the window and go Hey, watch it man. The punk goes ,"what are you going to do about it." So i get out and go what did you say Mother F---er. The dude was a smaller guy fit but small, and im a BIG guy 6 4 220, musta scared him lol... SO IM JUST relieveing anger on why people jsut dont care abotu other property. When i get out of my car i always open slowly and make sure i dont hit the others car. I dont care if its a old beat up truck or a Lamborgini im not going to hit it. AHHHH