pisses me off that kids get everthing handed to them. Like an 06ish grand prix. Girl on facebook just got one. It's not even a birthday present, her parents just bought it for her....what the hell. Not only the fact do these kids get everthing they want, but they brag about it, f**k them. Some of us have no choice but to work for what we get. It's not because my parents can't do it (dad just paid 14k cash for a car), but it's how my dad was raised and that's how im raised also. It doesn't bother me that I have to work for my sh*t, I'm actually proud that i work for everything I have , What bothers me is that these spoilded f_c*ing brats brag about what they got.

If a spoiled brat reads this and gets offended....i couldn't care less (<---Like how I did that? I hate when people say " I could care less", It means that you actually care. It's couldn't care less you bastards lol)

rant over