stfu. i'm sick of clicking on threads about questions that i know for a fact have been answered and seeing sh!t like

"use the search button" - "you're just bashing and being a dick"

no. i'm not even going to try to fight this with facts because they've been said and i would type a book. the simple fact is, this is an amazingly helpful site, you just need to quit being a *****. also, don't post something about you being a jacka$$ and expect to not get called a jacka$$.

if you really feel like all this site does is bash, get the f*ck off of it. i don't want you here.

in fact, i've seen a lot less bashing around here recently. i feel that this community has made a great effort to be more accepting to new members. like that thread i'm subscribed in with the orange gp with big rims and the convertible conversion. when i joined, that guy woulda got flamed. look at it now, nice and civil. if you really think we bash now, you shouda seen what happened to gtryda.