Am I the only one? Never fails, No matter how far away I park, some dick head always has to park next to me! I never park close. I've tried taking 2 spots and parking normal. The other day, there was a basket in my driver fender. I was Fn pissed to say the least. I was screamin and yellin in the parking lot. If that MFr would have been there still, I probably would have beat him with my ice scraper.Now I just wanna burn his house down. Even people with nice new cars don't give a fk.
I caught a guy once, about a month ago. He ened up leaving while I was on the phone with the cops. I chased that guy in my car. We got him. Wasn't his car, had a paper tag. I have to personally sue him. He kept saying it will rub off. Then he tried to put gas on my paint to fix it. Then he tried to spit on it. I had to treat him like a dumb ass kid. He barely spoke English. You guys no what a Marshall Islander is?