Thread: What is going on?

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  1. #1 What is going on? 
    my o2's are at 76...84... low numbers like that at the way i got a new o2 sensor already and stil does the same thing...mods in sig...obviously those o2 numbers are not correct.
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  2. #2 Re: What is going on? 
    Transmission Expert Trannyman95's Avatar
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    Figured I would reply here instead of in your PM. Without a wideband its hard to say where you are at in all honesty BUT those numbers are definately on the low side and should be around .900mv on the average but it will vary. IIRC you installed the 78mm throttle body and asked me about the maf scaling correct? After getting your fuel trims locked in for normal driving you MUST adjust the table for higher airflow or the car WILL RUN TOOOO LEAN!!!! You must adjust the maf table as now with the larger throttle body the airflow is slower across the sensor which in turn will show the pcm that less air is moving across it and maf signal is the direct link to fueling. If the maf signal is low, the car runs lean. You need to adjust the maf table, watch where to start by taking a scan of the car when heavy in the throttle and start adding from there to the top of the scale until your numbers get to where you want them.
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  3. #3 Re: What is going on? 
    thank you so much for the help. as i have had liitle help on hpt besides eddie.My trims lock in at 0.8 at wot now.I dident even do another maf tune after the larger tb...but my trims are still ok. So should I increase the maf table from around 7500 hrts up? or should i increase the whole table by an x amount and then increase above 7500 a little more? and how much are we talking about? .6 .3?? or 3. 6.?? if you could be a little more specific on that if you dont mind.Thanks agian for the help....and just so i understand....

    When increasing the maf table i would highlight the portion i want changed and the if i wanted to add to it just type in .6 and click the add button correct?
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  4. #4 Re: What is going on? 
    wow...thats all i have to say....I was running very very lean. I have to give credit where credit is due.thanks to eddie from hpt for for first mentioning that it could be me running real lean and try increasing the maf table after countless hours of back and forth posting...(he only posted one time and that was his suggestion to me). And thanks to trannyman for conviencing me to go out and mess with the maf table.

    I increased the maf table by .6 and my o2's magicly came up to around 760 at wot. Imagine that. still verry i feathered it out increasing /decreasing through out the whole table and im finially at about 910mv at wot through out most of the rpm range....basicly i just guessed the whole time...scanning and seeing what my changes did. I am still at 860-890 at times and am getting knock at that time as well because of the lean condition.

    Trannyman- On the 1st to 2nd shift at wot it takes a second or 2 for the tranny to's not like it's slipping because it's pulling still pretty hard...but at the last second or 2 at wot i can feel it actually go into second gear as it shifts hard after the ''slipping''. i know it's not slipping because with performance shift off and driving like an old lady it does the same thing but it feels like it does it in all gears or most of them anyway.The performance transmission tables have been modified but im not sure what was done exactly. just firmed up the shifts and higher shift points. The tranny tune worked fine before i put the new mods on just to let you know...i think it has someting to do with the new tb....what needs to be changed in the tranny section? and when im driving like an old lady with the performance shift ON i cant feel it doing it in other words it's not ''slipping''
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  5. #5 Re: What is going on? 
    Bastard Reptile's Avatar
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    Look to see what your shift time is. If you want a fast 1-2 shift, change the time to .1
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  6. #6 Re: What is going on? 
    ok well tune was working fine before...after the parts were installed is when it started acting like that. nothing was changed in the tune
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  7. #7 Re: What is going on? 
    any one on the tranny shifting issue????...i confirmed that it has nothing to do with shift time also
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