Hey guys,

So it's pretty common knowledge that HPT has removed the ability to read .bin files from their software, which unfortunately I had updated prior to being aware of this, which wasn't a problem until now. I needed to use tiny tuner to edit a couple parameters that HPT doesn't support.

I also thought it was, "common knowledge" that HPT support would resave your file as .hpt at your request in a support ticket. Well, they flat-out refused to do so for me.

"Thank you for contacting support (my name)

Unfortunately this is not a service we currently offer."

I'll go ahead and try installing an old version of HPT on a virtual machine when I get home (not sure if this will work, because I believe they also update the firmware on the cable), but in the meantime...anyone with unlimited 2003 GP license to help me out?

Thanks in advance.