Hey guys,

So we have a switching power supply that is manufactured from an outside vendor. We have used this same supply since 2000. Back in 05'-07' we were hit by the capacitor plague that was so common during that time. At that time we switched to a Japanese manufactured Nichicon capacitor, after that we had 0 issues with the reliability of the power supply. We typically do not see a failure for 5-7 years which is acceptable, then we replace the caps in the output section and return them and don't see them again usually.

Now the capacitor the vendor changed and started installing Hermei (again) and so now we started having failures within 2-5 months. So I have been in contact with our guy here in the states and he gives me a song and dance about how much better they are on paper. Then this morning one of the assemblers comes to me with 2 power supplies that one of the caps has failed out of the box even before being installed. So our guy calls this morning and wants to change over to United Chemicon KY series caps. I have heard of this brand before and don't recall any issues with them but I am not finding much in the way of quality just sales crap.

Have any of you guys heard anything good or bad about this brand?
