So this SMOG shop i always get it done at is great, no stories of people being ripped off due to ignorance or anything, they check and make sure your CEL is off and nothing is overly funky before they even accept your car for testing. Then i get the car in, they smog it, im done, the guy says he wants to show me something. I had a loose hose (i had no idea where it went, the dealership, nor the other place i take my car to when i dont do it myself didn't say anything about it...and my bike had a similar deal, so i figured, no biggie.) The guy tells me that would have failed the visual. He wasn' t sure exactly what it was or where it went, so he drove my car a couple suites down and had a GM tech check it out, guy used a fabricated rubber hose deal to re-attach it where it was sposta go, and the guy passed my car without incident, then gave me instruction on how to place a few of the wires out of the way more efficiently than they are. Real good guy. And he gave me a discount.