Thread: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do

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  1. #1 Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    I AM PEWPIN! rynoman03's Avatar
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    1. Talking on a cell phone

    When you're talking on your cell phone, you're as likely to cause an accident as when you're legally drunk. Now, what's your excuse? What's more annoying than a driver who's willing to risk your life so he can pick up his General Tso's chicken without waiting? Even when distracted drivers don't cause a wreck, they weave from lane to lane, create confusion in intersections and generally drive slower than other drivers around them while they're trying to do two things at once, leaving a gang of irate drivers in their wake.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Put the phone down while you drive. You know about voice mail, right?

    2. Driving too fast for road conditions

    Just because a speed limit is 65 mph doesn't mean that's always the right speed. Snow, ice or rain can dramatically reduce your car's braking and handling abilities, as well as limit visibility. The right top speed for those conditions is that at which you feel safe and in control and able to react in time to anything that happens up ahead. That could be 40 mph. Or zero mph.

    Drivers who fly past you at 50 mph when conditions call for 15 mph are not just risking their own lives — they might take you with them. If they lose control, they could easily spin into you, knocking you off the road and down an embankment. Or, at the very least, they could cover your windshield with a thick film of slush or rain, leaving you temporarily blinded. Annoying? We'd say so.

    Don't Be a Jerk: There's always someone driving like a jerk in bad weather. And if you notice you're passing everybody, you're the jerk.

    3. Not cleaning snow off their cars

    How would you feel if someone heaved a 3-foot-diameter, 40-pound dinner plate at your windshield? Not too swell, we're guessing. Well, that's exactly what happens when a rooftop of snow and ice on the car in front of you goes airborne. In addition to soiling your trousers, such unwelcome crash-landings have been known to shatter windshields. In some states, it's even against the law. In all states, it's a sign of thoughtlessness.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Take five minutes to clean the snow off your car before you drive away. You'll see better, and you won't inadvertently launch an attack on the cars behind you.

    4. Not signaling when turning or changing lanes, or leaving a signal on

    Signaling your intentions is one of the most basic acts of courtesy one can engage in. If we can't predict what other drivers are going to do, we can't make informed decisions about what we should do, and the result is mayhem. And insurance claims.

    But besides being dangerous, not signaling is also downright obnoxious. It says, "Your safety doesn't matter to me, and I'm more important than you are." It's rather telling that signaling one's intentions is pretty much universal in the animal kingdom. And if hyenas can manage it, can't you?

    By the way, leaving a turn signal on, while an act of omission, can be just as dangerous.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Use your turn signals, Bub.

    5. Leaving high beams on

    Driving at night introduces a variety of risks, all related to the fact that our vision becomes limited. The less well you can see, the less well you drive. So when someone oncoming cruises past you and shines the equivalent of a 100,000-candlepower lighthouse directly into your retinas, he's definitely being more than a little annoying — he's compromising your ability to drive safely.

    If that's not reason enough for you to remember to switch off your high beams when there's traffic headed your way, here are two more reasons: 1) If you blind an oncoming driver with your high beams, he might not be able to judge where your car is and might crash into you. Wouldn't that suck? 2) The driver coming toward you might have been interrogated by the CIA under bright lights, and you might trigger a flashback. Do you want that responsibility? Didn't think so.

    By the way, poorly aimed headlights can also be dangerous. If oncoming drivers are flashing their lights at you and you don't know why, first make sure your headlights are on, and then check that the high beams are off. If those two items check out OK, have your mechanic check the alignment of your headlights. It takes five minutes, and it's a thoughtful gesture to future oncoming drivers.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Understand that your high beams are a dangerous weapon when aimed at oncoming traffic. Remember when you've turned them on, and always be prepared to turn them right off.

    6. Faulty equipment

    Saving money by putting off repairs is a noble act of cheapskate-dom, but when deferring maintenance means that you're starting to compromise your own safety, or others around you, that's when we get annoyed.

    It's not uncommon for us to see customers' cars at our garage with bald tires, bad shocks, a turn signal or headlight that's burned out, or poor wiper blades. Blowing off those repairs isn't just dangerous — it might also cost you more money in the end. Look at it this way: Which bill would you rather pay? Four new tires or having to replace 50 of the botanical garden's prized Asian thorn bushes and doubled insurance premiums for the next five years? We rest our case.

    While it's less immediately dangerous, driving a car that's burning oil to beat the band is also obnoxious. Ask my brother how many otherwise sweet old ladies give him the finger when he pulls up next to them at a light and surrounds them in a thick cloud of smelly, blue smoke.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Maintenance is not just for you. You'll improve your own safety and that of your fellow drivers by keeping up on necessary repairs.

    7. Taking two spaces in a parking lot

    Is there anything more obnoxious than announcing to the world, "My BMW paint job is more important than your ability to park?" Of course, if the car is a '66 Plymouth Valiant and the driver is currently wearing adult diapers, the issue may be driving ability rather than obnoxiousness. So consider the circumstances.

    Don't Be a Jerk: When my brother comes across an expensive car that's taking up two premium spaces, he likes to squeeze his 20-year-old heap right in next to the car. Not only does he get a space, but also he knows the owner of the offending trophy car is going to stroke out when he sees it. Of course, my brother has also had his nose broken a few times. So consider parking elsewhere, and think about leaving a note on the offending vehicle instead, suggesting that the driver kindly not hog two spots in a busy lot the next time they run errands.

    Also, if you have a car that's so precious that it can't be parked close to anyone else's, park it at the far end of the parking lot. That way, you inconvenience yourself rather than everybody else.

    8. Staying in the far left lane

    We all need to work together if we're going to get home in time to watch "Jeopardy!" That includes pulling back over to the right after you've passed a slower-moving vehicle. Staying in the left lane forces everyone to go at exactly your speed, or pass you unsafely on the right. It also raises the blood pressure of those who want to go even a little bit faster. You're going the speed limit? Fine. Let the police enforce the law. And remember, some drivers might have very good reasons for driving faster than you on any given day. They might be trying to make sure their mother-in-law catches her plane home.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Use the passing lane for passing. And when you're in it, always keep an eye on your rearview mirror and be aware if someone is coming up faster behind you so you can get out of the way in time.

    9. Not acknowledging making a mistake or overreacting to an honest mistake

    Driver A makes a stupid mistake, causing Driver B to swerve. Driver B, having just planted his beak directly into his Starbucks Frappuccino, delivers Driver A the one-finger salute. Driver B is offended, and responds in kind.

    We all make mistakes. Remember that when someone pulls out without seeing you. Sure, honk if you need to for safety. But do you really have to follow it up with an Al Swearengen-like diatribe? If the person is decent enough to hold up a palm and indicate "Sorry!" can't you say, "That's OK"?

    And similarly, when you make a boneheaded move, don't slink off as if you didn't notice that you almost caused a five-car pileup. Acknowledge that you screwed up. Mouth "Sorry." Look a little sheepish. Hold up a palm asking for forgiveness.

    If more people apologized for their lunkheadedness and more people accepted their apologies, the roads would be a lot more humane.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Remember the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you when you pull out of your parking space without looking.

    10. Dangerous loads improperly secured

    The laws of physics are immutable. So, unfortunately, are the laws of stupidity. If you're driving at 75 mph, twine, a bungee cord and your left hand will not keep a Sealy Posturepedic from setting sail above the interstate. Trust us on this.

    Unfortunately, there is no shortage of people who — through impatience, laziness or lack of schooling — don't understand the basics of force, leverage and wind loading. As a result, those of us who follow them have to drive with our hearts in our throats until we can get around them and hope the load doesn't let out at that moment. And what about the guy behind you?

    Oblivious as they may be, these drivers can leave a trail of chaos behind them. And if their load comes unhinged, they're going to have a bad case of survivor's guilt.

    Don't Be a Jerk: If you're carrying something that doesn't fit inside your car, get professional help or advice in securing it before driving. And have all mattresses and 4x8 sheets of plywood delivered.

    11. Picking your nose

    Let's be perfectly clear about this: We've got nothing against picking one's nose. According to fossil records, it's a habit that dates back to the Stone Age. But, being forced to watch someone up to the second knuckle in a mining operation is enough to cause anyone to lose his breakfast burrito.

    Don't Be a Jerk: Don't assume nobody is watching — especially at stoplights where people tend to survey their surroundings.

    (Copy and Pasted from Yahoo.)

    Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do - Yahoo! Autos
    1999 GTPHP Tuned, Ported SC/TB, 42#'s, SSAC's, ZZP Modded 1.9's/LS6 Springs/Manley's, TransGo Shift Kit, Poly Uppers, KYB GR2's/Springtech's. - 231k and traded it in. - Gone
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  2. #2 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    I AM PEWPIN! rynoman03's Avatar
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    #3, #4, and #8 drive me the most nuts. Although some cell phone talker\drivers not paying a bit of attention tend to get on my nerves too.
    1999 GTPHP Tuned, Ported SC/TB, 42#'s, SSAC's, ZZP Modded 1.9's/LS6 Springs/Manley's, TransGo Shift Kit, Poly Uppers, KYB GR2's/Springtech's. - 231k and traded it in. - Gone
    2000 GTP: XP, P&P'd Heads, N*\Lq4 MAF, GenV, 42#'s, PRJ Rails\FPR, Racetronix, TEP w/ 3.29 Gears, 300m, 7/8" chain, SSAC's. - Collecting dust in my garage.
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  3. #3 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
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    #1 #2#4#5#7 all drive me crazy. why can't people drive safe
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  4. #4 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
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    Can I take two another direction and say you don't need to drive 10mph when it rains!! Also, don't drive around with your hazards on because its raining, if you think its bad enough to drive with them on, pull off the road put them on and wait it out.
    2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GT : Stock and slow and SOLD.
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  5. #5 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    SE Level Member FETGYK06GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by codyAK View Post
    Can I take two another direction and say you don't need to drive 10mph when it rains!! Also, don't drive around with your hazards on because its raining, if you think its bad enough to drive with them on, pull off the road put them on and wait it out.
    Drive it or park it.
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  6. #6 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    GT Level Member RamonGTX's Avatar
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    I am guilty of the snow one with the work truck....the usual driver would park it otside instead of pulling it in during a huge snow storm and of course I couldn't reack the box on the the semi so when id be going down the road massive I mean massive snow chunks would fly...and then when I got on my brakes ones everything slid forward and went over the cab and hit the car in unsafe

    Polished Gen V, 3.1 mps, intercooled, S1X cam, northstar tb, and Tim King built trans with 3.29s and all the good stuff
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  7. #7 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    SE Level Member djwags's Avatar
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    #8. So annoying. PA Turnpike is two lanes and no one seems to understand which they belong in. Taking this a step further, people who weave in and out of traffic to get wherever they need to so desperately. I'm fine with the occasional inside pass for the guy who is being an idiot in the left lane, but the dangerous weaving and causing problems for everyone else is really stupid.
    02 Grand Prix GT-gutted airbox, sway bar
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  8. #8 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    Resident HOMOsapien ZR1Vette09's Avatar
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    Im 1 2 and 7
    '00 Blazer- Good riddance '06 Grand Prix GT- Dead and Cool '05 Silverado- Sold '96 Jeep Cherokee-DD '97 BMW 328i-Project
    <brandonl2000> how did she become handicapped?
    <brandonl2000> LMAO D!!
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  9. #9 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    just call me john-o vailskier3's Avatar
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    1, 4, and 8 are my biggest pet peeves. if i'm talking on the phone in the car it is either an extremely short call (for directions or whatever), or i wear my iphone headphone so it is hands free (i also never text while i'm driving, and i can't believe that wasn't #1), and i can't stand it when someone leaves their signal on. can't you hear the freaking dinging??? and i HATE passing people on the right, and in my experience WI is the worst with this...seems like everyone just likes to chill in the left for some reason. happens everywhere, but most commonly in WI...

    2014 Camaro 2SS - stock, for now...
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  10. #10 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    Mullet Member Wotgtp's Avatar
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    While all annoy me, numer ****ing 8 is the worst. People cut me off going into left lane all the time, I had one guy ****ing brake test me after he cut me off and I almost hit him.
    - Ed - 2000 Grand Poverty Daytona edition. Rough idle. Funny whistle. Steering issues at WOT. 3.8 SC pulley.
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  11. #11 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    I live here. brandonl2000's Avatar
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    a lot of this mess is petty and a bit over the top. hell, drive your car and shut up.

    BUT i will say that i was in fact RAN OFF THE ROAD by a STATE TROOPER the other night because HE was texting and driving. so that erks my soul.

    and i'm with cody, i rarely have a problem with others going too fast (probably because i'm that one) but jeez, 20 below the speed limit in broad day light, park that damn thing hell!

    staying in the far left lane is numero UNO problem i have here in memphis. i wish the signs were on every street in america "slower traffic keep right"

    and lastly and for the record, everyone picks their nose, my windows are tinted, i bought the car, if i wanna pick my nose in it so be it. done.
    2003 Grand Prix GTP-3.5 setup, sold it, miss it
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  12. #12 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    Audio Moderator I800C0LLECT's Avatar
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    I can't stand it when people drive up behind you and just sit a few feet from your bumper. You think, "Maybe he wants me to move over?". NOPE! Because then you move over and eventually they follow. They just have this NEED to be next to your bumper while driving.

    The other one is when somebody is obviously driving faster but you're stuck on a two lane with a slow driver in front and no chance of passing due to oncoming traffic. You attempt to be courteous(because they're old or something else) by driving a safe distance. However, some jackass behind you can EASILY identify what's going on but decides to ride your bumper and swerve about to try and communicate THEIR frustration.

    Oh ya...snow. CLEAN THE SNOW OFF YOUR CARS!!!. I hate it when you get powdery snow and people wipe just enough to peak out the windshield. Meanwhile, they leave a blinding dust trail behind them as the powder snow slowly but surely is removed from rest of the vehicle as they drive down the road.
    11 is louder than 10!
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  13. #13 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    I live here. brandonl2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I800C0LLECT View Post
    I can't stand it when people drive up behind you and just sit a few feet from your bumper. You think, "Maybe he wants me to move over?". NOPE! Because then you move over and eventually they follow. They just have this NEED to be next to your bumper while driving.

    The other one is when somebody is obviously driving faster but you're stuck on a two lane with a slow driver in front and no chance of passing due to oncoming traffic. You attempt to be courteous(because they're old or something else) by driving a safe distance. However, some jackass behind you can EASILY identify what's going on but decides to ride your bumper and swerve about to try and communicate THEIR frustration.

    Oh ya...snow. CLEAN THE SNOW OFF YOUR CARS!!!. I hate it when you get powdery snow and people wipe just enough to peak out the windshield. Meanwhile, they leave a blinding dust trail behind them as the powder snow slowly but surely is removed from rest of the vehicle as they drive down the road.
    i can't even relate to the snow problem..

    when it snows here, EVERYONE freaks out and there is no organization to it what so ever.
    2003 Grand Prix GTP-3.5 setup, sold it, miss it
    2002 Grand Prix GT-top swap, GT1 Cam, SD Headers, 90# springs, 42.5 injectors, 3.4 pulley - sold
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  14. #14 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    GrandPrix Junkie dpzelenak's Avatar
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    im 1, 2, and 8 but mostly because im driving faster then everyone

    SMGPFC Member #10
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  15. #15 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    Fuel For The Soul RegorHtims's Avatar
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    3 8 and 10 are the worst for me. About a week ago I was driving on the highway and a work truck a few cars in front of me lost a huge broom covered in cement that they use when they pour concrete for pools. I came within a few inches of hitting it and it really pissed me off >.> Another one that gets me is running lights. My rule is if you're through the intersection before my light is green then you're fine. Otherwise I'm mad at you.
    SMGPFC Member #7.5
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  16. #16 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
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    Around here driving like an idiot is the main issue right now...I was following a long line of cars where this one car behind me tries to pass then has to pull back in because cars are coming.

    In this video he tries it again where he cuts off a vehicle and then I have to hit the brakes to let the idiot in.

    YouTube - &#x202a;Second Pass Attempt&#x202c;&rlm;

    Once he gets passed this car he tries to use a truck scale ramp as his own passing ramp until traffic forces him to stay right and take the next exit.

    YouTube - &#x202a;New Passing Lane&#x202c;&rlm; (first few seconds got corrupted)

    Then here he is once off the highway where he was playing with his GPS possibly to try and figure out where he eneded up off the highway.

    YouTube - &#x202a;Parked Construction.avi&#x202c;&rlm;
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  17. #17 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
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    People use their highbeams when their low beams don't work.

    Also on #7...... When you DO park in the furthest corners of the lot.... and that one prick in the rot box goes OUT OF HIS WAY, to park beside you, and not only beside, but so close you cant open that door....
    Last edited by matt5112; 06-19-2011 at 01:38 PM.
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  18. #18 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    DUI BABY Bio248's Avatar
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    im a habitual #4. i do not ever use my blinkers unless im pulling into a small spot splitting two cars or if im drunk.

    the rest i hate a lot.
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  19. #19 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    The Blue One blueguy's Avatar
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    LOL @ 3 and 7.

    I do that sh1t all the time.

    Love me.
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  20. #20 Re: Top 10 Most Annoying Things Other Drivers Do 
    Fuel For The Soul RegorHtims's Avatar
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    Also people running stop signs. Some dumb **** in a Bravada almost t-boned me today at like 45. People piss me off.
    SMGPFC Member #7.5
    05 GTP Sold, Still Missed 02 GTP Coupe Sold 06 GXP Intake, Hayden trans cooler
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