I saw spartan posted about 911 in rememberance
So i didnt want to cloud his thoughtful post

What are your guys true feelings about the 9/11
Veiws on coverage and what we were told
This isnt to cast any mixed feelings on troops that have fought over seas or those lost Just a general discusion

My feelings are so much was covered up in the reports its hard to sort through fact and fiction
Buildings 1,2,7 (not sure it was 7) but a 3rd building fell at the same speed and fall rate as teh first two and they fell in around 10 seconds

The pentagon plane flew a very hard flight path and doesnt make sense a rookie pilot could have done that

The crash site of the forth plane looked differnt from any other crash i have ever seen..

My personal opinion is we have a very ****ed and sick Government
reguardless of their role They covered stuff up in major way