its an application for the iphone and ipod touch. Anyone ever try it? it uses the accelerometers in the ipod to detect acceleration and what amounts. You put in your cars vehicle weight and all that stuff and you can put a drivetrain loss % i got it thinking not much more of it than a toy and to be humorous. I did a little mroe research on it and found some interesting research about it.
iPhone Dynolicious Software More Accurate than G-T - Car Videos on StreetFire

i tried it out and teh results arent really all that bad. Granted, do i think they are accurate? no not really but its kinda fun and i guess it does give a ballpark figure

i tried it out on my comp g and put a drivetrain loss to 0% which would make any horsepower figures generated equal to "WHP"

it gave me a peak horsepower of 217, my 60ft was 2.68 and my 1/4 mile ended up bein 15.12@93.4

it doesnt seem too bad when i think about my launch sucked, me slowing down torwards the end because doing 90+ mph on a dead country road scared the crap out of me... and ughhh its from an ipod haha

well i just wanted to see if anyone else had tried messin with it before. And to reitterate... i dont think that this is dead on, i didnt get it thinking it would be... i just thought it was pretty cool that those are probably close to the numbers i should be getting

im kind of excited to take it to the tarck in a few weeks and see how close it really is.