Hello All,

I wanted to take a minute to give everyone a few updates about the MACGP website.

First of all, we are currently in the process of switching over the ownership of the domain from Chinny to myself. We are still registered on the same server but now, 100% of the space we have will go towards MACGP for pictures, videos, and enhanced site, etc. While the site is being transferred, we will be experiencing some site outages and broken links as everything is being transferred. We are hoping the site will be fully functional again by this weekend.

Secondly, we are still looking for your information for the Member’s Rides Page! We’ve had a great start so far of people sending in their information but we’ve had a bit of a slowing. I know there are more of you guys out there! Show off your car! What we are asking for is Name, City/State, ClubGP/Grand Prix Forums Name (if you have one), Best ¼ Mile Time, Detailed Mod List, and 2-3 nice pictures of your car. If you have moved on from the GP world, that’s fine too! You can send in a picture of your former GP/W-Body along with the Information for your new car as well! Our goal is to help make members more recognizable and help make connections for members who may be close to you in your area. Please e-mail all members rides information to Drew Stevenson at drewgtx00@yahoo.com.

Third, do you have any videos, pictures, write-ups, or ideas for the site? We will begin looking for your stuff so we can add them to the site!

Please send in your information to Drew so we can get your vehicle on the Member’s Page and give us feed back on the site! This site is for YOU! TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!

Take Care!