I am working a deal with a so called "company". Pretty much he calls him self a business, he has a web site, but has no tax number, does not take PayPal and wants payment in full for the service at hand. Pretty much he is a small timer like myself who does things on the side as a hobby.

I sent him a box, and it sat in limbo for a week at UPS because he moved, and did not tell me. I sent UPS the change of address, and he now has received my box. he is staying in good email contact though so thats a plus.

First time doing business with him, and the whole payment in full thing change of plans has me a little nervous. Because we settled on him showing me the completed work, then payment in full would be made. I counter offered his demand, and said I would pay 1/2 down and the other half upon completion and gave him the reasons why, I am awaiting to hear back on that.

I may need a local who could do me a favor if this turns into a deal gone bad, to pay him a little visit if need be to get my stuff back, and money back. Worse case, with how much is at hand...I would not have a problem jumping on a plane and doing it myself. I would just like a little reassurance up there that I have a back up plan because he seems flaky to me.

I might just pull the plug and have him ship everything back to be and I will go with company #2 for more money, but they seam very reliable. I would only be out $100.00 some odd dollars in shipping there and back if thats what I did.

I guess if your willing and able, let me know either here or in a PM and I will keep the thread updated with what I decide. if I need your services, you will be compensated for your trouble and effort.

Hopefully he does not do anything hasty...cause he doesn't know how members of our car club hates thieves and how we have connections in about every state in the USA to get end results if need be.

Thanks for your time, and if it works out with him...he will be getting more business from many others including myself, he will just have to change his business practices a little IMO.
