Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
Surprisingly, the crank didn't look too bad. I think I stopped driving it just in time. I spent about $20 on wet/dry paper, metal polish and some shoe laces. I think for what it is, it will be just fine. This is the worst journal after polish.
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
your no dummy so im sure your going to measure the journals as well as bearings installed with caps installed and torqued. then plastiguage the bearing when the crank goes in for the first time to make 100% sure your in spec. 
it would piss me off to no end if i cut them corners and it failed in 200 miles.

98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails
L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection https://goo.gl/gpV5kW
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Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
Oh, yeah. I'll check everything as it goes together. Biggest thing is how the crank spins after it's torqued. Hand tight and the crank won't spin freely. After all the mains are torqued, it spins like butter.
Tonight I got the AC lines cut and crimped. Also vacuumed and filled the system. It blows pretty cold just idling in the driveway on a 95 degree day. I can't wait to see what it does on the highway with a ton of airflow. Buying the crimping tool was definitely a good investment.
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Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
I picked up this little gem today. 32 spline input shaft for a 208c T-case. I'll need it if/when I go to an 80e. It will happily sit on the shelf until that day comes.
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
id have that oiled up and in a food saver bag all vac packed.

98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails
L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection https://goo.gl/gpV5kW
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
Shoot. It's been a while... Year end update:
I've been busy. Most of my free time is spent on my side hustle, building 4L60e's. Since my last update, I've gotten the truck professionally tuned. That was about a year ago now. The guy remoted in, and within 30 minutes and a couple drives around the block, I was dialed. No stumble, and the hot starts are spot on. Best money I ever spent. Makes the truck a pleasure to drive. Well, as pleasurable as a stock suspension 40 year old truck can be to drive. However, that will be addressed here shortly.
Next step is a gear ratio swap. The stock 2.73 on 31" tires is painful. I literally never even use overdrive. Even on the highway. I'm thinking 3.73 should be perfect. I had the setup in my old 305/700r4 K5 and it worked great. Should be even better with the extra HP of the cammed and tuned 5.3.
I didn't want to have the truck down for a long time, so I sourced a set of axles form a buddy for $0. The plan is to do as much as I can, but pay to have the ring and pinion set up. I have a friend who is friends with a differential specialist. Rumor has it, if you get everything sparkling clean, and provide all the parts, he will set up the R&P so cheap, it would be foolish to DIY. So that's the plan. Clean everything else up while it's apart, new bearings, seals, brakes and e-brake cables. Everything will be brand new. Then once the rear is done, I will start on the front.
While it's apart, I'd like to get the truck a little closer to level also, The back end sits 2" or maybe even 3" higher than the front, and it looks silly. So I need to figure out how many leaf's to pull to get it closer to level. I'm not really worried about weight hauling. This trucks "heavy hauling" days are long since past. It's mostly just a small parts runner now.
Anyhow, once the rear is done, I will start on the front.
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
GrandPrix Junkie
I knew you would have a junk pile stuck in a corner somewhere!
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
Junk? How dare you!
That's 2 4L80e's and an LM7. All quality used parts.
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
GrandPrix Junkie
4 Weeks Ago
corey's junk is on jack stands right now so it won't rust in the Illinois salt.
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
GrandPrix Junkie
4 Weeks Ago
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
Re: My 1984 K10 - LM7 swap!!
1 Week Ago
why dont the like button work no more? looks good. id pay for that job too.

98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails
L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection https://goo.gl/gpV5kW