Hello everyone. Great site you all got going here with a wealth of info! My lady has a 2005 Grand Prix GT. Her last car was a 99 Grand Am SE (gran-dammit), so for the last 5 or 6 years I've had the privelage of busting my nuckles under the hoods of 2 Grand Pontiacs. I helped her pick her new car when we got rid of the Grand Am - She fell in love with the Grand Prix, and I was already fond of the 3800 from my previous experience.

I've been lurking here for a few weeks now, and just had the privelage of changing out the spark plugs and wires - figured out how to do the back 3 from existing posts here and dont look forward to that again :| All in all, the car is in great shape! We did have some issues where it felt like we were hitting a bump everytime it shifted, but we had all the solenoids replaced and now its smooth as silk. It's a great car, and overall I just want to keep it bone stock, and as reliable as possible for the long run - and I'm sure I will find the advice needed to do that here.

I guess I could throw out a noob question while I'm at it :P Like I said, the car is in great shape with 124k miles - there's just one thing that bugs me and is a mystery. Whenever I get on the gas and give it hell, there is a strange buzzing or rattle sound that sounds like its coming from behind the glove box. It starts when I hit around 3000+ RPMs and higher, and only seems to happen when I am driving it fast. If I let off the gas and drive easy the buzz stops. Anyone else notice this on the newer Grand Prixs?