NEW MEMBER HERE... WELL I hope I will learn alot about my 2007 base GP from you folks. I want to know all the good and bad things, aspecially the bad about my car .

i own a 2000 GAGT sedan . and from the 2 GRAND AM websites i learned and still learn alot and they have saved me huge money. I want the same from here. Now PLEASE folks I hope to only mention this once.

I got and still get bashed on the 2 grand am sites about , my spelling , my punication my caps button still on etc etc. some members are ruthless. i have some problems understanding things and holding thoughts for periods of time.

so I type them up as fast as i can with one finger , before I forget with in mintutes. so i do not make checking my caps etc etc a huge topic. look around my flaws and JUST HELP. PLEASE AND THANKS.

i know next to nothing about computors etc . I am and have been told i am overly helpfull or generious . so I am a friendly CDN. If i can help just ask. i have been a stay at home dad since OCT /2005 . so i am on computor nearly 24/7.

PS: i do tend to repeat topics or ideas and sort of back and forth in the same topic . but it's a concentration problem.