Thread: Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh"

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  1. #1 Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh" 
    SE Level Member LouF's Avatar
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    I've had a random misfire for years and years (decade?), and I think I have to consider it's a head gasket. The car has 131,000 miles. I've tried to find the problem forever, but I never have. I haven't done a compression test. It has a small lifter tick, too. So, I'm thinking a "refresh" rebuild is what it needs. And tore down to the head gasket will bring up questions like timing belt and what not. So that's why I'm calling it "refresh" instead of a whole rebuild.

    I can't put in the time and risk to do it myself.

    Not only that, but the trans has been less than 100% for a while. Right now, Lucas has kept it useable. I wanted to get a rebuild from somewhere like a small performance rebuild shop like Triple Edge or Extreme Performance. Not an AAMCO type shop. If the price is much better for a rebuild, I'd have to go with that.

    I still really like my GP, but now it is hurting in two major categories.

    I'm throwing out the idea for suggestions. I'm in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
    Last edited by LouF; 11-06-2024 at 07:30 PM. Reason: More info
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  2. #2 Re: Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh" 
    GrandPrix Junkie
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    At 131K that engine is just barely getting broken in. Are you sure it's a lifter tick and not an exhaust leak? Even at that, the lifters in these cars are not known to be quiet. With that said, mine did apparently have a lifter tick that I thought was a cracked rear manifold but ran up to 414k before the lifter finally showed itself and gave up. Funny part was even with the lifter issue it ran smooth, just got a noticible knock to it.

    As far as the misfire, what have you replaced to try and resolve it? Is your car a GT or GTP?

    Head gaskets are rare on these engines but can happen. And they also have a timing chain, no belt. And I've yet to change a stock one on any of my 3800's. One is at 300K and the other lived in the 414K engine I just pulled and I wasn't always kind to it and had no issues. But if you plan on having it pulled down to a shortblock then I'd replace the set while in there.

    Would definetly go with TEP on the trans. Besides, they're only ~4 hours from you. You could pull it and drop it off/pickup in person and save a ton on shipping and get a road trip to boot. I only have 2 people that I would trust to build me a trans and Dave is one.
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  3. #3 Re: Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh" 
    SE Level Member LouF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FordMan77 View Post
    Are you sure it's a lifter tick and not an exhaust leak?
    I'm pretty sure. It's quiet after an oil change, but that only lasts about half a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by FordMan77 View Post
    As far as the misfire, what have you replaced to try and resolve it? Is your car a GT or GTP?
    '05 GTP (sorry, my signature didn't show.)
    I've done so much. Plugs at least twice, wires, vacuum line checking, confirming fresh gasoline, various coils, ignition control unit, evap. purge valve solenoid o-ring...
    Every time I've messed with the evap. purge valve solenoid o-ring, it's good, but it goes back to random misfire. It could be coincidence, but it sure was coincidental that it was good afterward.

    Quote Originally Posted by FordMan77 View Post
    And they also have a timing chain, no belt. And I've yet to change a stock one on any of my 3800's.
    My mistake. Yea, I've heard about the timing chain longevity too.

    Quote Originally Posted by FordMan77 View Post
    Head gaskets are rare on these engines but can happen.
    Heard that too. I don't see any signs of milky oil. I've never over heated it.

    Quote Originally Posted by FordMan77 View Post
    Would definetly go with TEP on the trans. Besides, they're only ~4 hours from you..
    Will keep it in mind!

    Yea, I'm sure I can't afford all of this. I was feeling optimistic yesterday.

    I'll have to try a compression check to be sure.

    Will reply back then. Thanks for your input.
    2005 Grand Prix GTP
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  4. #4 Re: Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh" 
    GrandPrix Junkie
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    Do the compression test and post the results. Is your GTP stock or did someone pulley down at some point? (install a smaller than stock diameter supercharger pulley). Being that the GenV supercharger on your car is more efficient than the 07-03 GTP's maybe someone installed some parts on it that it didn't really need or didn't have the supporting mods to compensate for it.
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  5. #5 Re: Contemplating finding a shop for engine "refresh" 
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    seems pretty drastic for a misfire and no guarantee the misfire will disappear.

    a live scan while the engine is running to find out which cylinder is misfiring is a good thing.

    I found 5w oil causes a lifter tick. no tick with 10w.
    08 grand prix NA3800
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