Thread: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue

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  1. #1 Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    SE Level Member SCdisabledvetGTPCompG04's Avatar
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    Hi all. I am a service connected disabled veteran with an 04 Grand Prix GTP, comp g, 109k miles.

    I recently purchased the vehicle from an auction dealer, looked nice, super clean Carfax, 109k miles, 1 owner, female who traded in the vehicle to the same dealership for a new car. Looked super clean inside and out, picked it up for $3500 with my VA retroactive check (the VA raised my disability percentage).

    I purchased the vehicle for "Veteran's Day", and I'm hoping to have a nice GTP, comp g, when I'm finished with it, (still getting used to the "tap shift tranny" over my old manual).

    I normally perform minor maintenance on my vehicles, and after having the vehicle for about a week I found a few issues.

    1. The radiator and "reserve" tank were covered in standard Dex-cool corrosion. I performed a simple slow hose flush, and left water in the radiator for a few days to flush again.

    After the "water hose flush", there is a small coolant leak on the bottom of the engine. The leak did not appear until after the "water hose flush".

    The leak is located on the left side of the engine, at the bottom, somewhere under the engine or near the heater, (not sure), behind the battery and the belts on the left side of the engine.

    It only leaks when the engine is running, there was no leak when the engine was off. Due to it being a slow leak, I could not find the leak after inspecting with a flashlight several times.

    Again, it does not leak when the engine is off.

    The good news is the radiator is super clean now, and quite a bit of corrosion came out during the flush.

    I ran the heater when running the engine so I do not know yet if it is just the heater.

    Regardless, it's somewhere on the left side of the engine, behind and under the engine. It's not leaking much so I cannot tell where the leak is coming from.

    2. The oil pan is leaking. From the main oil "plug/bolt". The oil pan is also really dirty and oily. Engine looks nice and clean up top, it's when I got under the vehicle that I found some issues. Really dirty/oily/leaking oil pan, dripping from the main oil bolt.

    I have a very honest mechanic who is a family friend and I'm taking it to him for it's first diagnostic tests. I would just like to have a list for him first so he has an idea of what we're dealing with.

    I will take some pics and post them if I get a chance, busy Thanksgiving weekend.

    3. Also, there was one body issue. In the right corner of the windshield, there is a small 1 inch "tall" by 4 inch long patch of corrosion rust, with a small dot in the center of the vehicle, between the antenna and the windshield. It's that nasty beach rust that has to be addressed immediately so I have some body work to do too. Just wondering if they'll have to take off the entire windshield to get to it. The owner lived near the beach and I've had this rust here in Florida before. I didn't see it in the sun when I first inspected the vehicle (it's small).

    At any rate, I have about $2500 set aside to put into it right now so I'm hoping the radiator leak isn't catastrophic.

    It should be pretty "set" once it's finished.

    I cannot work right now due to my disabilities, so I only drive max. 2-3 times per week, maybe. The vehicle will also be garage kept and taken care of well.

    Any help would be great! I have some brain damage and nervous system damage from the Army so I apologize for any spelling errors/mistakes.

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend,

    Service connected disabled veteran,

    Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue Attached Images
    Last edited by SCdisabledvetGTPCompG04; 11-26-2017 at 05:50 PM.
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  2. #2 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    GrandPrix Junkie
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    Thank you for your service! That looks like a pretty clean car for the money.

    Check where the lower intake maifold meets the heads. If you see black plastic, then time to change the LIM gaskets to the new updated aluminum ones. The coolant leak is likely a coolant elbow. Dorman sells the aluminum ones in the "Help" section at most parts stores. If you have the LIM changed then I would flush everything again and replace the Dexcool with regular old green coolant. Also do the thermostat as it's probably gunked up too.

    Oil drain plug may be stripped if it's leaking. Should be able to be repaired.

    And FYI, that Tap-Shift trans is a special trans to that car so if it ever needs replacement you have to get another tap-shift trans.
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  3. #3 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    GTP Level Member 231FUN's Avatar
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    Nice clean looking comp g! My advice to you is leave the tapshift alone, it's an automatic and knows when to shift on it's own so leave it in auto mode or be prepared to replace the trans down the road. Just about every comp g out there has had it's trans replaced/rebuilt at this point in time. I love all the other features of the comp g but the tapshift is silly.
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  4. #4 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    SE Level Member SCdisabledvetGTPCompG04's Avatar
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    I decided to have my family's mechanic do a full diagnostic check on my new 04 gtp, comp g. I "assumed" the most conservative approach on a new vehicle is to get an "expert opinion" first.

    The only major mechanical issues were the "coolant leak" and "oil pan gasket" that I had already diagnosed and explained to the mechanic.

    The coolant leak was an "elbow joint", located under the alternator area on the left side of the engine, as many board members diagnosed immediately.

    Price: $287.71. for the repair, parts, labor, and they're putting in my Dex-cool and distilled water when it's finished. He's also putting in the aluminum "elbow joints" instead of the rubber joints.

    I watched a video on YouTube on the repair, it took a civilian about 20 minutes to complete. Wish I had watched the video first, it looks like a pretty simple repair.

    Does $287.71. seem honest? I'm not 100% sure if I want to use the same mechanic again.

    He stated he doesn't have the "lift" for the oil pan carriage and can't change the oil pan gasket. It makes me slightly concerned as a simple oil pan gasket change should be something a good mechanic should be able to complete. He was extremely busy though which was one of the issues, (that much business would be a sign of a good repair shop, they are "recommended" and have good ratings located near the TPC, with rich, picky clients). He can't do the oil pan gasket anyway so I have to do it myself or find another repair shop.

    Quotes so far on the oil pan gasket are $556 to $650. All repair shops are saying it is a 4.5 hour repair and needs a special crane for the oil pan carriage. That's exactly what the first mechanic said as well. (They all quoted from a computer system).

    When I first diagnosed the leaking oil pan gasket it seemed like one of the most straight forward, KISS simple repairs I've ever seen: 1. Empty the oil. 2. Remove the oil pan. 3. Clean the oil pan and the area. 4. Replace the gasket. 5. Replace the oil pan. 6. Perform a standard oil change. 7. Clean the bottom of the vehicle when finished.

    He also recommended a tune up, when convenient, but it is not a major concern right now.

    One shop quoted me $1000 for a tune up! The current shop stated: $273.46. Several other tune up expert shops are quoting around $250 due to the fact they have to replace the spark plugs "behind the supercharger" and "they are hard to get to". I'll have to look at it again when I get it back, but most tune up "coupons" for tune up shop experts are $149.00.

    Anyone have a good link on a simple tune-up on an 04 GTP compg? I could also use a link on the "oil pan gasket" change. Thanks!
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  5. #5 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
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    Changing the elbows is easy. 25 bucks in parts with coolant and 1 to 1.5 hours most. 287 seems high.

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  6. #6 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    GTP Level Member CHI2000GTP's Avatar
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    Elbows – Since it’s a shop, of course they charge a lot, but $287 is rather high. Should be closer to $125-$175 for just the elbows, coolant, and labor.

    Oil Pan – The process is not as easy as the instructions you read make it seem. Some of the bolts are covered by the sub-frame, and there is no way to get to them. There are really 2 options… Option #1 = suspend the engine from the top, and drop the entire sub-frame, exposing the oil pan.. Or, Option #2 = pull the entire engine out and replace gasket like that, with the engine hanging from a hoist with the pan fully accessible. I can imagine a shop charging $300-$500 for that. That quote you got for $556 ain’t too far off the mark. But still a lot of dough.

    Tune-Up – A typical tune-up would involve oil change, oil/air filter change, new wires, new spark plugs, coils checked for spark, maybe a coolant flush. $250 ain’t bad for all that. The rear spark plugs are not at all “hard to get to”. There is 1 spark plug by the crossover pipe, next to the O2 sensor, closest to the brake master cylinder…. Some say that spark plug is hard to get to, but I completely disagree. You loosen it with your socket wrench, and then unscrew it with your fingers. More than doable, and very easy. This is coming from a complete mechanical novice. That’s really it as far as a tune-up. You could also get the transmission pan dropped, this releases some 8 quarts of trans fluid and allows you to pour in 8 fresh quarts. I would make 1 of those quarts Lucas brand, No-Slip trans fluid. You could tune-up the computer (PCM) in the car, but I don’t think you’re looking for anything like that.
    2000 GTP 4DR - Stock
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  7. #7 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
    GrandPrix Junkie SgtMarshal's Avatar
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    you should be able to do all the above on your own except maybe the oil pan gasket. if I remember right, you have to lower the cradle down to access the oil pan, which is a bit of a process.

    what did you do in the army?
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  8. #8 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
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    All grand prix’s seem to leak some oil around the pan eventually. Clean it up with some brake clean and Drive it for a while to see if you can better tell. Otherwise oil is cheap and as long as you keep it above a quart low it will run forever. And park it in the street.

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  9. #9 Re: Disabled vet with 04 GTP, comp g, slow coolant leak issue + oil pan issue 
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    So is it the pan gasket leaking or the oil drain plug? Your original post said "2. The oil pan is leaking. From the main oil "plug/bolt". The oil pan is also really dirty and oily. Engine looks nice and clean up top, it's when I got under the vehicle that I found some issues. Really dirty/oily/leaking oil pan, dripping from the main oil bolt."

    If it really is the pan gasket is it just the bolts where it is leaking around? Maybe try snugging up the bolts you can reach and see if it stops. If it truly is the pan gasket then you will have to do the recommended.
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