
Forum: 1997

  1. How to Upload Your Tune to the Tune Vault 
    The Boss Iceman6669's Avatar
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    First you will click on post new thread

    Then you will title your new thread with your cars Year Make and Model

    Then in the text body section you will put a brief description of your tunes mods so that other users can get a tune that is closely similar to their own setups

    Then you will click on the icon that looks like a paper clip(it can be found near the button that changes the color of your font and right next to the smileys button)

    Then you will click on the green + button in the upper right hand corner that says ADD FILE

    Then you will click on CHOOSE FILE

    After selecting your bin file you will then click the little red button that says UPLOAD

    When that is done it should add your bin file to the attachments section on the lower part of that screen

    make sure your bin file has a check mark next to it

    then click INSERT INLINE

    Then Click DONE

    Your file will now be attached to your original text body

    Only certain file types are allowed... IF for some reason it wont allow you to upload a file type feel free to get ahold of one of the members of the moderation team to see if we can correct your issue.

  2. Forum Rules 
    The Boss Iceman6669's Avatar
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    Here are the rules for the forum. We hope everyone will abide by these rules to make this a fun and informative place.

    Rule 1, Pictures and video's: If it cant be shown on daytime TV, its not allowed here. Unless it is in a thread clearly labeled NSFW.

    Rule 2, Language: If you wouldn't want your child saying it, don't say it here.

    Rule 3, Bashing: Friendly debate is fine, and fun ribbing is fine, but crossing the line into making comments that their sole purpose is to hurt or degrade a person is not acceptable.

    Vendor complaints should try to be resolved with the Vendor first before going public with a complaint. Then contact an Admin or Mod to follow up with the Vendor. Once the complaint is public and on the forum, the Vendor should be allowed to tell their side of the story before the band wagon jumping.

    Generic (forum) links will be deleted. Links must go to the page where the answer is found and not to the "Home" Page.

    Banning...Violations are not counted per word or post, but per warning and are kept for 12 months.

    1st violation will be a PM Warning from a Staff Member and noted in your private profile (only seen by admins and moderators).
    2nd violation will be a PM Warning from a Staff Member and noted in your private profile. And an infraction will be issued.
    3rd violation will be a ban from the site for 1 week and noted in your private profile.
    4th violation will be a ban from the site for 1 month and noted in your private profile.
    5th violation will be a permanent ban from the site and noted in your private profile.