Conversation Between Spazztic2003 and toolguy

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey David, worked on my car soem last night. Cleaned out the rad overflow again and brought the fluid back down. I accidentially put in to much the night before. Rotated the tires and geased the brake caliper slides. The car is almost done now. I did find a rotten brake line last weekend, so I have to do something with that of course. This GP is replacing my Jeep when I turn it in, in Nov. I do not want a car payment anymore, thus why I got the GP. Anyway, nice to meet you and hope to see you around the site! Todd,
  2. Opps. Rochester, not Richester! LOL!!!
  3. Hey Todd, here... I replied to your introduction/welcome post. I live in Richester, close to you of course. Nice to meet you and talk cars!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3