Conversation Between timmaayy2323 and SpecialEdition

5 Visitor Messages

  1. give me call!!
  2. kelly blue books at $6,700.... 8 year old car... Id give ya $6,200 tops well let me no if u can do that if not then its not for me thanks!!
  3. never got the email!!! my email is just call me tomorrow 440-465-5808 my names Steve.... If I dont pick up leave a message Ill call ya right back when I get a chance! thanks! I would love to come check it out and have my mechanic look at it!!
  4. Hey, I sent you an email about the car, let me know if you want to come look at it
  5. please call me about car anytime! I live in CLE area 440-465-5808
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5