Conversation Between offroadfury6 and GTPluv

4 Visitor Messages

  1. lol i'm not a profile whore so I'm not really in peoples stuff like that lmao. I think i'mma get her washed up today, put some stuff on. maybe some pics...mhmmmm
  2. BRO???? haha I'm a girl.
  3. its a 2000 WS6, Kooks longtube headers with SLP loudmouth. Sounds INSANE! I love it. sorry bro, been raining alot, hopefully it will be clear tomorrow, I can get it washed up and new pics since I put the badges and "ramair" back on.
  4. What year is your WS6? I got Corsa last year. LOVE it!!! I just read that you put yours in the shop. PICS?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4