Conversation Between green18gtp and DreadMcLaren

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. will do
  2. sounds good. just let me know dude.
  3. k ill try to get my stuff tomorrow
  4. i gotta work all weekend so i only could do it tomorrow night or saturday night
  5. idk this weekend i hope
  6. when?
  7. yes yes for sure u should come over and help me put my sled back together
  8. thats true. well hopefully we can do some stuff soon then
  9. i know, but i wanna do stuff with you too. We seem to have a good time around each other, so thats why.
  10. i hear ya, im just saying thats how i felt and i didnt know what to do so we could do other stuff other than just work on my car, ya know?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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