Conversation Between Slowpoke and siLversLeigh

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I was going to tell you the other day but you left, put that battery in the trunk. It cut a very consistant tenth off my 60ft. Money well spent, you won't regret it.
  2. Billetflow
  3. did I swing that one a little to far?
  4. check the GN thread in the kills section
  5. however you want to play it, either way I going to LOL
  6. so what do you want to do? maybe every section that i cant find appropriate thread i'll post that, if we find good thread we post something like you wanted?
  7. thats interesting idea too, just read my thread and let me know what you think, your idea is probably funner tho
  8. LOL, I +1ed it. Good sh*t
  9. i made a thread in the very top section, take a look let me know what you'd like added or removed
  10. so i was thinking we should just go through random threads and just add something like "If you would have went with Billetflow" you wouldn't have lost/that wouldn't have broke/ you woulda ran 11's/ you woulda got the girl....or you know, whatever would be appropriate for the thread LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10