Conversation Between beastin1 and Bogers99GTP

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Today 06:27 PM - permalinkbeastin1
    yea i'm a mod at got3800, it's membership is much much smaller, but a good group of guys and gals they are....towards the end of sept we had a get together and members from iowa wis tenn and mich all came out for all the local chicago suberb guys.....great time it was!!!!
    as far as the shift kit, no one there has done that yet (as far as I know)....we've got a couple gt top swaps though....and a guy with a regal that runs pretty darn good, his name is justyourshadow on the site and he's an admin...he's also getting his own speed shop off the ground, called... shadowspeed.... it's at
    and even though i'll agree that the tech knowledge at GPF is much more vast, i still hope you'll join up at got3800 just to chew the fat and what not.....
    see ya there maybe... Andy
  2. Hey man, saw you are a member of I just found the site...pretty good just not GPF lol. Do you know if anyone on there as done the DIY Homemade shift kit... ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2