Conversation Between dagger and BillBoost37

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah not bad, I actually was going to send you a message and see whats new. Its funny you send this message because I came back on the forum to check whats new as I got a bit of cash and plan to finish up my car a bit. Pretty much new suspension: coils, struts, top plates, pogo eliminator, end links, ect ect. Its a huge list but my cars suspension is gone and I think its time for a refresh. Engine and trans are running great, my supercharger just started to sound like it has rocks in it. It went really quickly too honestly. Coupler is on the list as well. Just got laid off so I'm going to have plenty of time to do this lol.

    How are your cars, I see they've moved have you put the built engine back in or anything?
  2. Long time no you doing?
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