Conversation Between gpgt04 and cerick08GP

3 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks i'll have to remember that prob gonna put one in come spring.
  2. Yup, I installed my HV3 about 6 weeks ago. I like it a lot, I’d install it again in a heartbeat. The biggest benefit I noticed during highway speed passing. At about 4000RPM and over, a very real power gain. It does take a little of the low end, but its all good, now I can keep traction better on launches. I track my mpg like a hawk, and my mpg actually went up by 0.2mpg. I know big deal, but the main point is didn’t go down No down side to installing it, except 3 hours of work and $200. A couple tips for you, during the HV3 install is the perfect time for a new T-stat and replace your fuel injector O-rings.
  3. hey your sig says you have the hv3. how do you like it? im thinkin about buying one.
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