Conversation Between 04CompG and 04compggtp

2 Visitor Messages

  1. my 1-2 shift is sluggish because my clutch is wearing out but besides that its running freaking great. im telling you man its all in the tune. a real tune not a box tune. my MAF sensor was on backwards and thats why my last tune got thrown off. my car is still under warranty so im goign to bring it in for the trans issue the next couple weeks. im honestly happy i sold my overkill and got a custom tune.
  2. did you ever get back to the track? How is your car running these days? I'm not so happy with my performance. Seems like after getting the pcm back from overkill to fix my cruise control issue, my performance has gone to ****. Will said that nothing was changed that would effect perf. But I am not so sure.
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