Conversation Between jrocthakidd and BillBoost37

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I was having a PCM malfunction. That's gone but now it's giving me a timing error and I'm putting and losing a ton of gas. Can you do One of those tunes like they do on thrashed or 3800preformance
  2. Sorry to hear that. I used a stock bin file. Please remind me why you needed a different pcm to swap into your car. I thought you were having trouble with the one you had? Don't worry, I'm here to help and will do so however I can to remedy the issue. bill
  3. Hey I was writing you to let u know I put that PCM in last week and this week after driving ove 100 miles it's still shooting out codes and making my car putt real bad and giving me ba gas milage!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3