Conversation Between gtcoup and Colossus

3 Visitor Messages

  1. That'd be great if you could find the thread. and you wouldnt have any pics of yourse taken apart would you?
  2. those should work. i used those on the drivers switch as you saw, and got a lighter blue. but i got 5 mm for the passengerside and got a deeper blue more like l.e.d. strip blue if that makes sence. but those should work but oyu need resitors. i bought a pack of 5 , 1k ohm resitors i believe. mabye 10k not sure. theres a thread around somewhere thats how i got the idea... ill look around for it
  3. not to jack your "junkies" thread anymore, but re: your blue switches, I have 10 3mm blue LEDs coming in the mail for other projects, before I start tearing stuff apart, will they work? or do I need certain ones?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3