Conversation Between iroc2 and JBoss GTP

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Ic, I got a hids kit on black friday but my car is in storage now so cant put them on. I wanna do a projector retrofit wothin a year or so. Im still throw too much at it. If u haven't noticed its not the same one I had in hs. but yea I got a good amount done under the hood. Just got prj logs and a N* tb to do a gen v swap. I think we r gonna try to hang on the 17 now
  2. Maybe a little help under the hood but I wanna check it out sometime. Im hanging with charlie and anyone else that wants to on the 18th, u should try to chill for a bit. Anyways, u got hids right?
  3. But I like ur car, rlly clean. Charlie said its nice.
  4. Joel? its josh from hs. I didnt no u were a gp guy.
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