ok first off im a mechanic so i know the saftey concerns and dangers of what im asking. i have a 01 grand prix the rear two brake lines have rusted out due from the car coming from new york and i live in texas. i dont have the money to replace the rear brake lines as im making payments on this car for the next 4 weeks. when its paid off im buying a kit on ebay to replace all the brake lines on this car i just need it like this for 2 months ill drive it 10 miles one way to work and home no faster than 45 miles a hour. all i wanna do to make the car drivable is to remove the rear lines from the abs module and insert a plug in the ports so the system will hold fluid and restore front brakes so i can drive it. again only for 2 months like this no more than 10 miles one way no faster than 45 miles a hour. all i wanna know is if i plug the rear line ports on the abs module will it be leak free and restore front brake function to make the car drivable? again i already know the dangers of this so please save your negative post for someone else