My stupid stock CD player... ugh. Here's the usual turn of events.

Put CD in. Burned or store bought, it doesn't matter.
Wait an eternity for it to load track 1.
While waiting, ponder if this is the day it won't play 8 seconds (literally) of the CD before stopping and spitting it out.
Watch in blinding rage as my hopes and dreams are shattered.
Sqash desire to tear the freaking thing out with my bare hands and go Office Space on it.
Go to Wal-Mart and stare longingly at the wall of fancy (operating!) after market stereos.

In all seriousness...

It's an '05 GP GT and just has the regular MP3 player stereo, not that fancy Monsoon thing. I get a lot of "check cd" and "disk error" or whatever along those lines. Usually on the first try it will catch and play music for a few seconds. Then it's done. All other tries just give me nothing. I stick the CD in, wait for it to work it's magic, and it spits it out. I put my ear to the unit and I can hear some kind of mechanism moving (I'm assuming the one holding the little laser nub). I read something somewhere about pulling radio fuses, but from the user's manual I can't figure out where that is. (User's manuals are useless.) I'm also worried that if I do that, it will activate the theftlock thing and I'll have to enter in a security code I don't have.

I'm pretty handy with some basic tools and I'm willing to try anything. Help.